Village Emergency & Flood Plan Creation
While we hope it is unlikely we have a serious emergency in the village, flooding is increasing, and we’ve been encouraged by Northamptonshire Association of Local Councils (NALC) to create a co-ordinated community self-help resilience plan. In liaison with local villages, we’re creating a simple plan, starting with a list of potential risks, core contact information, flood wardens and WILLING VOLUNTEERS.
HELP REQUIRED: In an emergency, BEFORE the professional services arrive, we need quick access to village residents (incl those working from home/ here in daytime) willing to provide resources/help such as marshalling, signposting, practical, shelter, medical etc. PLEASE take a look at the list on the website email offers of help to our first two volunteers Anne Lashmar & Stephen
In line with GDPR, volunteer contact details will not be published, and utilised only if required.
*If you would like to receive a printed version of the Village Emergency & Flood Plan please contact