Information for Villagers
Your parish council has responsibility for:
Street Lights - Maintenance and electricity bills
Speed signs - Ensuring the batteries are charged and the speed signs are functioning.
Defibrillator - The defibrillator is checked monthly to ensure the battery is charged, the unit is functioning correctly and nothing is missing. This is reported back to the CHT, with whom we have a service agreement.
Parish Assets - Maintenance of ( e.g. Bins & Benches etc)
Footpaths (not pavements) - Walk and ensure accessible annually within the boundaries of Bulwick Parish.
Verges / Roadside Pavement - It falls under the responsibility of highways to ensure they are kept clear, however, as appropriate, the Bulwick Parish Council may ask for the help of local property / land owners
Emergency & Flooding planning
More information on website in ‘Noticeboard’ area
Your parish council may respond to ad hoc opportunities, such as:
Events - Seasonal and National
Litter Picking - Annually (usually spring)
Parish residents - Needs and requests
Communication - In addition to meeting minutes / Encouraging visitors / Positive PR for Bulwick Village
Your parish council is not responsible for:
Potholes / Road signage / Blocked Drains / Flooding / Overhanging trees / bushes onto footpaths - Recommended route to resolve -
Dog Fouling - Recommended route to resolve -
Neighbourhood disputes - Seek legal advise -
Speeding and parking - &
Final decisions on planning - BPC provide comment for each application and recommend residents add their own feed back