AGENDA 02/11/2023, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre

All Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council at The Village Centre, Bulwick at 7 pm on Monday 25th September 2023


23/9/001. To Approve Apologies for absence

23/9/002. Declaration of interest or changes to the member Register of Interests, if any. (Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare orally their interests as per the Parish Councils Model Code of Conduct adopted 2015)

23/9/003. To Authorise the Chair to sign as a correct record of the proceedings, the minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 31st July 2023

Proposer & Seconded

23/9/004. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda.

05/1. Village Street Lighting

Deflector Installation update - Clerk

Refurbish of Lamp 1on Deene Road update – Clerk

Tree Branches covering Lamp 5 – Held until next meeting

23/9/005. Meeting Open to Public

Members of the public may raise subjects that they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and the time will be restricted to 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.

23/9/006. Highways & Village matters

009/1. Queens Jubilee / Remembrance update – Clerk

009/2. Commemorative Plaque update – Cllr Vaughan

009/3. Commemorative Bench update – Cllr Vaughan

009/4. Litter Picking Equipment – Held until next meeting

009/5. Licences for village benches – held until next meeting

009/6. Village benches refurbishment – held until next meeting

009/7. Status on Quotes for solar power speeding sign – held until next meeting

009/8. 20 is plenty signage update – Clerk

23/9/007. Phone Box Restoration and Defibrillator installation

Latest information – Cllr Beaton (Chair) and Cllr Sanderson

23/09/008. Parish Council New Website

Held until next meeting

23/09/009. Bulwick Parish D-Day Celebrations 2024

D-Day 80th Celebrations 6th June 2024 - Held until next meeting

23/09/010. Planning – Update For information

NE/23/00767/FUL Replacement and refurbishment of existing windows and doors. Denbigh House Main Street Bulwick Corby NN17 3DY - Bulwick Parish Council Support the application.

NE/23/00806/REM PP-12273501 Reserved Matters: access, appearance, landscape, layout and scale, in respect of the construction of: Primary Street (including carriageway, verge, foot/cycle paths, junction bellmouths, pedestrian refuges, bus stops, lighting), secondary street, strategic surface and foul water drainage infrastructure, spurs and attenuation ponds; sub-stations; hard and soft landscaping; and all ancillary works, associated infrastructure including alignment of utilities service runs; and engineering works in respect of Key Phase 3 pursuant to 19/01219/OUT - Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for means of access in relation to the highway access from the A43 and means of access and landscaping in respect of the causeway crossing from Zone 1, for the development of a mixed use urban extension to include; residential development of up to 3,500 dwellings (C3), up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 and D2 uses within two local centres, up to 1,000m2 of D1/D2 (community building / changing rooms uses), two primary schools (D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open space), green infrastructure including formal and informal open space, wildlife corridors, landscaping, allotments / orchards and play areas, primary street and pedestrian and cycle network including diversions to existing PROWs, connections to the surrounding highway , sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and any necessary groundworks and demolition, and extension to Local Wildlife Sites. Priors Hall Site Kirby Lane Deene NN17 3EJ – Majority Councillors support this application.

NE/23/00893/TCA/ T1 Cherry Tree that has been left for many years needs a canopy reduction 1-2m to bring overall height down and prune away from street light. Also obstructing the carriage way for high side vehicles. Pruning back to suitable growth points to achieve a balanced canopy shape for future growth. Denbigh House Main Street Bulwick Corby NN17 3DY – Bulwick Parish Council Support the application.

NE/23/00809/TCA/ T1 Large Pine tree situated behind Gym in the rear garden. Tree has gotten to a size now that the limbs are very tip heavy and before the tree has multiple failures and there are still reductions points to work to we would like to consolidate the over all size of the tree by reducing the canopy by 2-3m. Major deadwood of internal canopy. Pruning back to suitable growth points to achieve a balanced canopy shape for future growth. T2 Beech tree situated to the right of the Pine tree across the lawn as you come up from the driveway. The tree is starting to grow out of shape and slightly unbalanced. A light rebalancing of the canopy and tip reducing to improve the overall aesthetic shape of the tree. 1-2m reduction where required to achieve a more uniform shape in the canopy. Pruning back to suitable growth points to achieve a balanced canopy shape for future growth. T3 Crimson King tree situated behind the Gym under the canopy of the Pine tree. Reduce back to previous reduction points to keep canopy below the Pine tree to stop them growing into each other. 1m-2m reduction as required. Pruning back to suitable growth points to achieve a balanced canopy shape for future growth. The Old Rectory Church Lane Bulwick Corby NN17 3ET - Bulwick Parish Council Support the application.

23/09/011. Finance 2023 / 24

011.1. Clerk to report on financial statements

011.2. Council to approve payment of accounts

011.3. Defibrillator Financial statement

23/09/012. Correspondence

012.1. SSE notification of change of management system – For info only

23/09/13. Any late business for the next meeting

23/09/14. To confirm the date of next meeting : 23rd October 2023

Signed Chair: Malcolm Beaton Dated. 04/09/2023

Signed Clerk: A Disney Dated.04/09/2023