MINUTES OF MEETING 25/04/2024, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllr M Beaton (Chair), Cllrs L Vaughan, J Sanderson, I Martin, A Lashmar Clerk A Disney
In Attendance: 8 members of the public.
24/04/001. Apologies received and approved:
24/04/002. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:
There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
24/04/003. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 22nd February 2024
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed: Cllr Vaughan Seconded: Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
24/04/004. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda.
04/01. Bulwick Village Emergency and Flood Plan. The Clerk shared the draft of the plan with councillors. A Number of items need follow up. Cllr Lashmar agreed to continue developing this plan. Cllr Lashmar and Mr S Hedderly are in contact with other local villages to agree how a more encompassing plan could be developed. Cllr Lashmar agreed to keep the Parish Council updated on progress.
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair). Seconded Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action: Cllr Lashmar
04/02. Kings Portrait. The Clerk confirmed that a portrait has been received at no cost. The portrait has been placed in the Village Church - Closed
24/04/005. Meeting Open to the Public
Village Drains: A village resident requested that co-ordination between the Business parking their vehicles on the highway and North Northants Highways to enable that the village drains could all be cleared. Last time they were emptied a number of the drains were not accessible due to car parking over the drains. The Parish Councillors requested the Clerk to contact Highways to investigate if prior notice could be given of drain emptying.
Action: The Clerk
Millies Lane: Road condition (dirt). A resident requested if the Parish Council could arrange for Millies Lane to be cleaned due to a build up of dirt on the road. Cllr Sanderson confirmed that action had already been taken.
Village Benches Restoration: The Councillors and the resident attendees thanked Mr Tim Disney for restoring the remaining village benches and the Parish Council Notice board. All agreed that the restoration has added to the sense of pride in all that has been achieved in the village in the last few years.
24/04/006. Highway & Village Matters
06/01. Commemorative Bench Dedications. Following a request from the public at the meeting on 22nd Feb
24. The Councillors resolved that residents of the village could request a plaque of remembrance be placed
on a village bench in return for a nominal fee.
The plaque should be in keeping with all others on the
bench. Any request should be made via the Clerk for inclusion of the next meeting for approval.
It was agreed to place Ken Kemps plaque onto the bench at Red Lodge Road and Main Street.
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action: Cllr Beaton (Chair)
06/02. Solar Panel Speed Sign. Councillor Martin confirmed that the matched funding grant has been received into the Bulwick Parish Bank Account. 2024 / 25 Precept has also been paid in the account. The Parish Councillors resolved that an order was approved for purchasing the Solar Panel Speed Sign
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Additional Post for Speed Sign: The Parish Councillors reviewed the proposed location for the new Poles for the Speed signs and agreed that provision for 3 posts should be made. It was resolved that the location for the Solar Panel Sign, post 1, should be on Deene Road and located on the opposite side of the road. Post 2 should be located just after the bridge on main street for the mobile speed sign & post 3 located on Blatherwycke Road so that the mobile speed sign could be moved to it.
Cllr Martin agreed to lead the project and to get an updated quote for the posts. The Parish Councillors agreed that the posts should be ordered.
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Martin Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action: Cllr Martin
It was agreed by the Councillors that due consideration should be given to a third speed sign for the village at a later date.
Additional Batteries for the Mobile Speed sign: It was resolved by the Parish Councillors that a second set of batteries be purchased for the mobile speed sign which would mean that the sign would be operational continuously.
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Martin Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action: Cllr Martin
06/03. Dog Fouling: The issue of Dog Fouling on public rights of ways . The Clerk advised that a request has been made to update dog fouling signage in the village to North Northants Environmental team. A map has been provided to them indicating where the signs need to be refreshed.
Action: North Northants Environmental team
06/04. Footpaths: The footpath from Red Lodge Road to Main Street condition was raised. Clerk confirmed that the matter was raised on behalf of the Parish Council on Fixmystreet and the path had been cleared. However it has since become muddy again. The Clerk to raise again on fixmystreet.
Acton: The Clerk
06/05. Litter Picking Event: Councillor Beaton (Chair) advised the meeting that a successful event was held on 24th March 2024. It was well supported by residence & Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanked all those who helped to make the event a success.
It is proposed to hold another event at the end of Summer. Timing TBC
Action Cllr Beaton
06/06. Defibrillator Training: Councillor Sanderson advised that a training event for the defibrillator was held on 11th April at the Bulwick Village Centre. It was well supported with at least 15 attendees. It was resolved that the instructions on how to use the defibrillator should be shared on the PC Website and other social media. It was also agreed that any trained person who was happy to help should put their contact details into the defibrillator container.
Cllr Beaton(Chair) thanked Cllr Sanderson and all who had been involved in the Defibrillator project.
Cllr Sanderson also advised that a monthly check has to be made each month. Cllr Beaton and Mr Pickard volunteered to help with these checks. Cllr Sanderson to set up a rota.
Action Cllr Sanderson
It was resolved that the purchase of 2 Defibrillator Pads should be made as replacements are needed
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Lashmar Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action Cllr Sanderson
24/04/07 Bulwick Parish Council D-Day Celebrations 2024
Held over until next meeting
24/04/08. Planning – Update for Information
24/04/09. Finance 2023 / 24:
09/1. Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid
Authorised by email and at the meeting:
Cheque No What for Who To Total VAT Legal Authority
BACS Clerks Pay March / April A Disney 624.60 0.00 LGA 1972 s101, 111 & 112
BACS HMRC reimburse clerk A Disney 156.00 0.00 LGA 1972 s101, 111 & 112
BACS Membership NCALC 148.96 0.00 LGA 1972 s175
BACS. Electric streetlights SSE 26.96 1.52 LGA 1957 s3
LGA 1972 S 14 para 27
Highways Act 1980 S 301
BACS Street Light maintenance EON 50.40 8.40 LGA 1957 s3
LGA 1972 S 14 para 27
Highways Act 1980 S 301
BACS. Audit Fee J Medwell 75.00 0.00
Total 1081.92 9.92
Amount Received from Reason for Payment
Summary of Balances
National Savings £0
Current Account £8684.99
Total Reserves £7603.07
09/2 Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair.
09/3 Annual Audit
The Clerk advised the meeting that the internal audit had taken place on 12th April 2024 and the audit was passed with no actions
09/4. VAT Reclaim. The Clerk advised the meeting that the VAT reclaim was made for FY23 and the monies have been received into the Bulwick Pairsh Council Account.
09/05 Training. The Clerk requested approval to book Cllr Martin and Cllr Lashmar onto ‘the flying start for councillors’ training course at NCALC on 12th July 2024. The meeting approved the training
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action The Clerk
24/04/010 Levelling Up & Grant Opportunity’s
The Parish Council confirmed that at this time there was no opportunity in the village for applying for a grant - Closed
24/04/011. Bulwick Parish Council Clerk Vacancy. Councillor Beaton (Chair) advised the Parish Councillors that the Parish Clerk, Ann Disney has resigned from the role and will leave the council on the 15th June 2024.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) Thanked Ann for all her work on the Parish Council and wished her well for the future
11/1. The council resolved that the role should be advertised for 22 hours per month at salary scale LC11 – 17. The Clerk was requested to advised NCALC of the vacancy
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Lashmar Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
24/04/013. Correspondence:
013.1. Kingscliffe Emergency Planning Meeting Notification – Cllr Lashmar will lead
013/2.Household support fund administrator, wanting councillor details- Cllrs advised
013/3 Local Area Partnerships (LAPS) – Councillors advised & agenda item for May meeting
013/4 Request for presiding officers and poll clerks -shared with Parish Councillors
013/5 Local Government boundary commission email – shared with councillors
013/6 Coronation Community orchards – Shared with councillors, agreed no further action
24/02/014. Any Later Business for the Next Meeting
Annual Newsletter – Cllr Vaughan
End of year accounts completion - All
Community Governance Review - All
Grit Bin Millies Lane – Cllr Sanderson
Policy updates - Clerk
24/04/015. Date of Next Meeting:
Dates for 2 Annual Meetings: Thursday 23rd May at 6pm
Annual Meeting of the Parish 6pm – 7pm
Annual Bulwick Parish Council Meeting 7pm
Meeting closed at 8.05 pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………