(DRAFT) EXTRAORDINARY MINUTES OF MEETING 22/02/2024, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllr M Beaton (Chair), Cllrs L Vaughan, J Sanderson, I Martin Clerk A Disney
In Attendance: 12 members of the public.
24/02/001. Apologies received and approved:
24/02/002. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:
There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
24/02/003. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting of 4th January 2024
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed: Cllr Sanderson Seconded: Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
24/0/004. Co-Opt of New Councillor following the resignation of Cllr Fisher
Only 1 candidate applied for the vacant councillor position Ms Anne Lashmar
It was resolved that Ms Anne Lashmar was co-opted to the Bulwick Parish Council
Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Martin Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
The Declaration of Office was signed.
The Clerk was requested to advise the electoral office of the new councillor appointment. Once the electoral office is informed Cllr Lashmar must complete the online form for declaration of interests.
The Clerk was requested to add Cllr Lashmar to the signatory authorisation on the Bulwick Parish Council Unity Trust Bank account.
Action: The Clerk
Cllr. Lashmar introduced herself to the meeting attendees. Cllr Lashmar has lived at Inchmore House, Main Street, Bulwick NN17 3DY since May 2023. By joining the Parish Council, Cllr Lashmar wants to be involved in the parish and make it a great place to live.
24/02/005. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda.
005.1. Bulwick Village Emergency and Flood Plan - The Parish Councillors were advised that the plan is in progress
24/02/006. Meeting Open to the Public
Street Lighting: The Street Light on Church Lane is too bright. (Lamp 14). Clerk has requested to ask EON to check lighting setting on all village lights. EON have checked and confirmed that all streetlights are set to the correct levels.
Parish Councillors resolved to get a quote and timing to fit a shade to lamp 14 and requested the clerk to action.
Action: The Clerk
A member of the public commented that the new bench on Red Lodge Road junction with Mainstreet was highly appreciated, however, the original bench dedication was changed when the new bench was put in place. Some residents would like to be given the opportunity to also include a dedication to past village members. Therefore, they requested that the Bulwick Parish Councillors consider allowing for multiple dedications on the benches around Bulwick.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) reminded attendees that the process for providing the bench and the dedication had followed all the correct governance, communication routes etc and no comments had been received until after the bench was in situ. One of the roles of the Parish Council is to understand residents needs and therefore the Councillors agreed to add the matter to the agenda for the next Parish Council Meeting for a decision by the Councillors.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) hoped to see the members of the public at future meetings.
The issue of Dog Fouling on public rights of ways were raised. The Parish Councillors to consider additional signage.
The footpath from Red Lodge Road to Main Street condition was raised. A lot of moss and dirt has made the footpath hazardous. Residents have raised on fixmystreet but asked if the Parish Councillors could also bring this to the attention of Highways Agency.
Action: The Clerk
24/02/007. Highway & Village Matters
007.1. Queens Remembrance Tree in Bulwick: - Cllr Martin confirmed that the Queens Remembrance tree has been planted on the corner of Red Lodge Road and Main Street junction. It has been planted in line with guidance received form the Highways authority. – Action Closed
The Clerk presented the final invoice for payment to the Parish Council Meeting. The Parish Council authorised payment
Proposer Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Lashmar Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
007.2. Plaque: Cllr Vaughan confirmed that the Plaque is ready to be placed next to the tree – Action closed
007.3. Commemorative Bench: Cllr Vaughan & Cllr Martin confirmed that the Bench is now in place at the junction of Red Lodge Road and Main Street and that it is secured to the new concrete base – action closed
The Clerk presented the final invoice for payment to the Parish Council Meeting. The Parish Council authorised payment.
Proposer Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Lashmar Approved by all Cllrs at the meetin
Cllr Beaton (Chair) Thanked the councillors and the Clerk for their work in delivering the project and enhancing the village for future years.
007.4 Litter Picking equipment: Cllr Beaton (Chair) confirmed the date for the next village litter picking event would be Sunday 24th March meeting at 12.30 by the Church. Several attendees volunteered to support the activity.
007.5 Solar Panel Speed Sign. Cllr Martin confirmed that the grant application had been submitted. In response he has been advised that the grant funding being offered is matched funding which means that Bulwick Parish Council would need to fund 50% of the costs.
Cllr Martin advised the meeting that the proposed sign was capable of collecting data which could be shared with the authorities demonstrating the vehicle speeds through the village.
The Councillors resolved to match funding and request that the precept allocation be updated by the Clerk. Monies for the lighting refurbishment to be reallocated to the Solar Panel Speed Sign.
Cllr Martin was requested to proceed with the project in the New Finance Year
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Sanderson. Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting.
Action: The Clerk / Cllr Martin
24/02/008. Telephone Box Restoration and Defibrillator Installation:
008.1. Telephone Box: Cllr Martin advised the telephone box is now refurbished and in situ. The electricity supply to the box has been restored – Action closed
008.2. Cllr Sanderson advised that he would chase Community Heartbeat (CHB) regarding timing for the defibrillator instillation and training and advise the Parish Councillors by email.
Action: Cllr Sanderson
Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanks the councillors and clerk on pursuing this project despite the difficulties in restoring a grade 2 listed building (the telephone box) and providing a defibrillator for the village.
24/02/009. Parish Council New Website
Cllr Vaughan advised the meeting that the website is up and running – action closed.
24/02/010. Bulwick Parish Council D-Day Celebrations 2024
Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised the meeting that investigation on potential site for a beacon was being investigated and that Cllr Beaton would be discussion with local landowners. Update to next meeting.
Once the format for the event is set the Clerk should investigate necessary insurance required. Details from Zurich Insurance (Bulwick Parish Council Insurance provider) have been shared with the Councillors in advance. There would also be a requirement for a risk assessment etc.
24/02/0011. Planning – Update for Information
NE/23/01316/FUL Replacement windows, external doors, fascias and guttering. Location: Denbigh House Main Street Bulwick Corby NN17 3DY – Bulwick Parish Council Supports this application. Approved
24/02/012. Finance 2023 / 24:
012.1. Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid
Authorised by email and at the meeting:
Cheque No What for Who To Total VAT Legal Authority
BACS Telephone Box refurb Spar Logistics 2,515.00 0.00 LGA 1972 s139
BACS Base for Phone & bench Larkmill Homes Ltd 1,212.00 202.00 LGA 1972 s139
‘ - Cancel missing Chq Unity Trust Bank 8.00 0.00
BACS Clerks Pay Jan / Feb A Disney 601.00 0.00 LGA 1972 s101, 111 & 112
BACS HMRC reimburse clerk A Disney 150.00 0.00 LGA 1972 s101, 111 & 112
BACS reinstate phone & bench Larkmill Homes Ltd 1080.00 180.00 LGA 1972 s139
BACS. Light for phone box Spar Logistics 75.00 0.00 LGA 1972 s139
BACS Training planning NCALC 50.40 8.40 LGA 1972 s175
BACS Balance for tree planting Majestic group 394.84. 124.14 RTRA 1984 s72, CA 1968
BACS. Electric streetlights Dec SSE 13.48 1.22 LGA 1957 s3
LGA 1972 S 14 para 27
Highways Act 1980 S 301
BACS Bulwick Centre Hire Bulwick village centre 139.05 0.00 LGA 1972 s133
Total 6238.97 516.06
After payments already taken from bank 2551.97
Amount Received from Reason for Payment
£15,000.00 North Northants Council Precept
£1,786.61. HMRC VAT Refund
Summary of Balances
National Savings £0
Current Account £7507.13
Total Reserves £4955.16
012.2 Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair.
012.3. Defibrillator Finical Statement
The Accounts for the Defibrillator project was presented and unanimously approved and duly signed by the Cllr Sanderson project lead.
012.4 Annual Audit
The Parish Council Requested the Clerk to initiate Audit date with Justina Medwell
Prior to the Audit the Clerk is requested to apply for VAT refund for 2022 / 23
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
012.4 Street Lighting Electricity supply cost increase
The Clerk advised Councillors of the increase costs for unmetered electricity supply from SSE which previously had a very low Tariff . Bulwick has 2 tariffs 1 for the old lights and 1 for the new. These contract s will end 29th Feb 2024
For renewal SSE quote significantly increases the tariff. The Parish Clerk undertook investigation with alternative suppliers however SSE although increased was the best price for Bulwick Parish Council
It was resolved that the Clerk should renew the contact with SSE
Proposed. Cllr Sanderson Seconded. Cllr Lashmar Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting.
Action: The Clerk
24/02/013 Levelling Up & Grant Opportunity’s
The Clerk shared prior the meeting information on Levelling up and grant opportunities. The Parish Councillors resolve to hold this matter for discussion at next meeting.
24/02/014. Correspondence:
014.1. NCLAC advising on New Training Courses & Continuation of other courses available to book – Councillors advised.
014.2 Kier Highways Drop in events – Councillors advised
014.3 NCALC advise on Dot Gov Dot UK – Cllr Vaughan to advise.
014.4 NCALC Martyn’s Law Events – Councillors advised.
14.5. NCALC Training – Digital Skills – Councillors advised.
24/02/015. Any Later Business for the Next Meeting
Kings Portrait – clerk to request.
24/02/016. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 25th April 2024 at 7pm
Dates for 2 Annual Meetings: Thursday 23rd May at 6pm
Meeting closed at 8.02 pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………