(DRAFT) MINUTES OF MEETING 31/07/2023, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllr M Beaton (Chair), Cllrs L Vaughan, J Sanderson, H Fisher, Clerk A Disney
In Attendance: 4 members of the public.
23/7/001. Apologies received and approved:
23/5/002. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:
There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
23/7/003. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting of 15th May 2023
003.1. Approve and sign the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of 15th May 2023
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed: Cllr Vaughan Seconded: Cllr Fisher Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
00.3.2. Approve and sign the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 15th May 2023
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed: Cllr Fisher Seconded: Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
23/7/004. Co-Opt of New Councillor following the resignation of Cllr Doel
Only 1 candidate applied for the vacant councillor position Mr Ian Martin
It was resolved that Mr Ian Martin was co-opted to the Bulwick Parish Council
Proposed: Cllr Fisher Seconded: Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
The Declaration of Office was signed.
The Clerk was requested to advise the electoral office of the new councillor appointment. Once the electoral office is informed Cllr Martin must complete the online form for declaration of interests.
The Clerk was requested to add Cllr Martin to the signatory authorisation on the Bulwick Parish Council Unity Trust Bank account
Action: The Clerk
Cllr. Martin Introduced himself to the meeting attendees.
Cllr Martin has lived at Hatton Lodge on Harringworth Road Bulwick NN17 3BH since 2019 (4 years)
By joining the Parish Council, Cllr Martin wants to see the Parish flourish and to be a part of the village. He is looking forward to his role in the Parish Council
23/5/005. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda.
005.1. Village Street Lighting:
005.1.1 The Clerk advised the Councillors on the quote from EON for a light deflector on either a post or pole lamp
The Clerk to reconfirm cost including fitting (Price shared at the meeting )
The Parish Councillors requested the Clerk to order 1 deflector to be installed on lamp 12 on Millies Lane.
Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Fisher Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action The Clerk
The Parish Council will continue to monitor resident feedback and take action if any further issues are raised regarding the street lighting intrusion in to village properties
005.1.2. The Clerk advised the meeting on the quote from EON to refurbish Lamp No1 on Deene Street. This is a heritage
lamp and cost includes refurbishing the pot and replacing the old lamp with a Swan neck heritage lamp. (Price shared at the
The Parish Councillors requested the Clerk to rise the order for the refurbishment of lamp 1 on Deene Road on behalf of
Cllr Beaton (Chair)
Proposed: Cllr Fisher Seconded: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action The Clerk
005.1.3 Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised the meeting that communication will be sent to the home owner where Street lamp no 5 on Main Street is located. Currently the lamp provides minimal light as there are tree branches covering it. The communication will request the tree branches be trimmed.
Action Cllr Beaton (Chair)
23/7/006 Meeting Open to the Public
006.1 Church Yard Wall Repair
The Parish Council was advised that work is due to take place on restoring the damage to the Church Yard Wall next to the highway on main street, which was previously damaged. Although not yet confirmed by the Traffic management company the likely timing is 4th September 2023.
There will be traffic lights installed and are likely to be in place for 2 – 3 weeks minimum and could be there even longer.
The church wall is a Grade 1 listed building and therefore requires expert restoration
The Clerk has confirmed with the Highways agency that notification of works should be posted by Traffic Management company and they normally put up signs 1 week in advance of works to advise to the residence. The Clerk also confirmed with the Highways Agency that any temporary no parking restrictions needed should be managed by the Traffic Management Agency during the work to allow traffic to flow in the village.
Action The Clerk - Completed
The residents in attendance also requested that the Clerk raise an item on Fixmystreet to clean the road whilst it is clear from parked cars
Action The Clerk
The Parish Council were asked to give a status update regarding the Speeding Sign which has not been working for a few weeks.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) explained that the action was with the Parrish Council to refit the batteries into the sign.
Cllr Vaughan confirmed that since SWARCO had undertaken an investigation into the battery life the longevity of the battery between charges has greatly improved.
The Clerk explained that the current Speed sign could not be connected to the lamp post electricity supply without modification and that EON would not allow a connector to be provided without the full specification of what was being fitted to this supply. As per minutes 6/03/2023 item 6.2
The Councillors requested the Clerk to obtain quotes for a solar powered speed sign with a view to applying for a second grant to install an additional speed sign in the village. Location tbc.
Action The Clerk
The Parish Councillors requested the Clerk to obtain a quote to have ‘ 20 is plenty’ signs placed at appropriate places in the village.
Action The Clerk
23/7/007. Highway & Village Matters
007.1. Damaged Fence by Village Brook: The Clerk advised the meeting that the repair should be undertaken by North
Northants Highways. The issue has been raised on Fixmystreet
007.2. Queens Remembrance Tree in Bulwick: Cllr Beaton Advised the meeting that an order to purchase the Cherry tree had not progress and therefore requested that the Clerk obtain a new quote from Majestic Trees.
Update at next meeting
Action The Clerk
007.3. Plaque: Cllr Vaughan updated the Parish Councillors that the design for the plaque of remembrance has been finalised. The Parish Councillors requested that Cllr Vaughan place the order.
Proposed: Cllr Fisher. Seconded Cllr Beaton (Chair). Approved by all councillors at the meeting.
Action Cllr Vaughan
007.4. Commemorative Bench: Cllr Vaughan proposed that the bench should be a Teak 3 seat Farleigh memorial bench
with handy flat arm, using ethically sourced highest quality teak wood. It is delivered fully assembled UK-wide in days
by Memorial Benches UK.
The bench will also have a plaque in remembrance of Roger Glithero. This design has been finalised
The Councillors resolved that Cllr Vaughan should proceed to order the bench & the plaque.
Proposed: Cllr Fisher. Seconded Cllr Beaton (Chair). Approved by all councillors at the meeting.
Action Cllr Vaughan
007.5. Highways Licence for Bench: The Clerk advised the Councillors that a licence has been granted to place a bench on the junction of Red lodge Road and Main Street as the previous bench did not have once granted.
Action Closed
The Parish Councillors requested that the Clerk also confirm the licence for the other 2 bench’s in the village and if they are not in place to apply for these
Action The Clerk
007.6 Litter Picking equipment: The Clerk has shared with Councillors costs regarding purchasing Litter picking
equipment. It was resolved that an order should be raised for 10 x 33 inch Adult litter pickers; 10 handihoop litter bags and a pack of 10 disposable gloves
The Clerk was requested to raise the order
Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Fisher Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Action The Clerk
It was agreed that a Litter Picking Day should be arranged once the equipment has been received and Cllr Beaton agreed to discuss with local residence who would lead this event
Action Cllr Beaton (Chair)
23/7/008. Telephone Box Restoration and Defibrillator Installation:
008.1. Telephone Box: Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised the Parish Council that SPAR Logistics were ready to collect the telephone box and take it to be refurbished by Brisithbits as per approval at Parish Council meting 15th May 2023 Minute 007/8.
Additionally, Cllr Beaton (Chair) had approached other Parish Councils who had had refurbishments done by Britishbits and they were very happy with the work
The work should be completed in a 6 week timeframe once the Telephone box has been received by Britishbits. Cllr Sanderson to provide the donated red paint from Crown decorating centres so that it can also go to Britishbits to reduce overall cost.
A deposit was requested to progress the works. It was resolved that a cheque should be raised and paid as a deposit.
Proposed Cllr Sanderson. Seconded Cllr Vaughan. All Councillors unanimously approved.
The Clerk advised the meeting that the quote to refurbish the telephone kiosk exceeded the allocated budget agreed in 2023 precept. The councillors agreed that funding should be provided to cover the additional cost and agreed by Virement to move budget from the Kings Coronation tree fund to the Telephone box restoration project.
The Clerk was requested to update the budgets accordingly
Proposed Cllr Vaughan. Seconded Cllr Fisher All Councillors unanimously approved.
Action The Clerk
008.2. Defibrillator: Cllr Sanderson advised the Parish Council that regarding the Defibrillator North Northants Council
has been advised about the delay to install the defibrillator until the Telephone Box restoration has taken place. Cllr Sanderson also confirmed that the defibrillator project would also provide training for up to 70 residents.
It was agreed that if possible the training should be held prior to a Parish Council Meeting. Timing to be confirmed
Action Cllr Sanderson
23/7/009 Parish Council New Website
Cllr Vaughan advised the meeting that The Goodmood Media Company Ltd in working on transferring the Bulwick Parish Council Website to a new platform. The work is anticipated to be completed within two weeks This platform is more efficient and offers accessibility as required by Bulwick Parish Council policy.
In order to deliver the required accessibility a lot of the current documents on the old website have had to be updated. The Clerk has been working with Cllr Vaughan to deliver the required formats.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanked Cllr Vaughan and The Clerk for their work in ensuring the project is delivered.
Once live the new platform will make it easier for the Clerk to update all documents on the site. Clerk training time to be agreed
Action Cllr Vaughan
Cllr Vaughan confirmed to the meeting that the annual newsletter had gone out to residence
Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanked Cllr Vaughan for delivering the newsletter and distribution
23/7/010. Planning – Update For information
None at this time
23/7/011. Finance 2023 / 24:
011.1. Accounts for payment
It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid
Cheque no. 300019 for £16.95 + VAT £2.83. Ink for printer. Paid to A Disney. Legal authority: LGA 1972,S139
Cheque no. 300020 for £33.11 + VAT: £0.00. Newsletter printing. Paid to The Good Mood Media Co. LGA 1982 S142
Cheque no.300021 for £109.58 + VAT: £2.49. Unmetered power supply account for May. Paid to SSE. PCA 1957 s Highways Act 1980 S301
Direct debit of £18.00 + VAT £0.00. Bank charges. Paid to Unity Bank.
Cheque no. 300022 for £601.20 + VAT: £0.00. Clerk’s pay June & July. Paid to A Disney. LGA1972 S 101, 111 and 112
Cheque no. 300023 for £150.00 + VAT £0.00. Payment reimbursement to Clerk. Paid to A Disney. LGA1972 S 101, 111 & 112
Cheque no. 300024 for £30.00 + VAT £5.00. E Learning Data Protection GDPR (Clerk). Paid to Northants CALC. LGA 1972 S175
Cheque no. 300025 for £50.40 + VAT £8.40. Street Lighting Maintenance. Paid to EON. LGA 1957 S3, 1972 S14 para 27, Highways Act 1980 S301
Cheque no. 300026 for £1,135.00 + VAT £0.00. Phone box refurbishment deposit. Paid to Spar Logistics. LGA 1972 S139
Total: £2,144.24 + VAT £18.72. Uncleared Cheques = £715.00
011.2. Receipts:
Precept payment received from North Northants Council: £15,000
VAT refund received from HMRC: £1,786.61
011.3. Summary of Balances
National Savings £0
Current Account £21,059.63
Total Reserves £18,200.39
0.11.4. Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair.
011.5. Defibrillator Finical Statement
The Accounts for the Defibrillator project were presented and unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair.
23/7/012. Correspondence:
1. NNC Communications on Highway Work – Shared with Councillors
2. OPFCC Grant Report – Shared with Cllr Vaughan
3. J Hubbard Contract regarding Playgounds in Bulwick – Answered by Parish Clerk
4. Northants CALC Annual conference 7th October 2023, 2 places for Bulwick Parish Councillors – PC to advise
Clerk on attendance
23/5/013. Any Later Business for the Next Meeting
80th Anniversary of D-Day landings – Cllr Beaton( Chair) proposed that the Parish Council take the lead to organise a beacon and event in line with the request. Further discussion at next meeting –
Action Cllr Beaton (Chair)
Refurbishment of Parish Notice Board – Permission to purchase wood die and materials was given. Update at next meeting
Propsoed Cllr Fisher Seconded Cllr Beaton (Chair) approved by all councillors at the meeting.
Action the Clerk
Refurbishment of Village Benches – Held til next meeting
23/7/014. Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 25th September with limited agenda for updates on Kiosk refurbishment / defibrillator and Accounts. 7pm
23rd October 7pm Full Parish Council Meeting
Meeting closed at 8.20pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………