MINUTES OF MEETING 16/01/2023, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllr M Beaton (Chair) , Cllrs L Vaughan, J Sanderson, J Doel, Clerk A Disney
In Attendance: 2 members of the public.
1. Apologies received and approved: Cllr Fisher
2. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:
There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
3. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 12th December 2022
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed: Cllr. Vaughan Seconded: Cllr. Doel Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
4. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda
4.1 Queens Jubilee / Remembrance – Tree Planting: Cllr Vaughan confirmed receipt of the letter from Bulwick Estate consenting to Bulwick Parish Council planting a Prunus Ta Haku (Great White Cherry) tree on the corner of Red Lodge road adjacent to their land. Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanked Cllr Vaughan for her support in providing the map and letter required to obtain the licence required.
Councillors requested Clerk to apply for the licence now that the letter of consent and map are available
Action AD
It was noted at the meeting that the damaged Grit bin on Red Lodge Road Junction has now been replaced
5. Meeting Open to the Public
No items were raised
6. Highway Matters
Village lighting: Awaiting confirmation from EON on timing
Cllr Beaton (Chair) will inform residents and landlords of the forthcoming work on street lighting where it directly effects their property or a nearby pole.
Action MB
Clerk to send details of properties affected to Cllr Beaton
It was agreed to include 1 of the 4 Heritage Black Street light refurbishments on Main Street as part of 2023 / 24 precept discussions.
Action AD
Proposed Cllr Vaughan Seconded Cllr Doel Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
6.2 Parking on the Village Green
Cllr Vaughan & Cllr Sanderson updated attendees following an on-site meeting with North Northants Road Safety team
Cllr Vaughan informed council members that they are still awaiting a letter of recommendations from North Northants Road Safety team and that she would chase this up.
It is expected that the recommendations will be that parking on the village green be prohibited & drivers advised to park along Deene Road which would also bring the benefit of slowing traffic down on entering / exiting the village.
Once recommendation is received Bulwick Parish Council will inform residents of its content and any action that is required.
Action BPC
Additionally, the Clerk has raised an issue regarding missing give way sign and road markings on the triangle section of road. It has been noted that some traffic users fail to recognise the give way and it is hoped by clarifying the road markings and signage it will avoid further issues
Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanked Cllr Vaughan, Cllr Sanderson and the Clerk for their ongoing work regarding Parking on the village green
6.3 Mobile Speed Sign: Cllr Vaughan advised that after consultation with SWARCO that there seems to be an issue with the battery life as they should be lasting longer than 10 days between charges. SWARCO have made an appointment has been made for 19th Jan 2023 to inspect the sign and batteries and make necessary adjustment / repair / replace.
Update at next meeting
Action LV
The Clerk Disney confirmed to the meeting that a request had been sent to Western Power (the unmetered supplier) to request the feasibility of attaching charging from village lamp posts. Awaiting response
Action AD
The Clerk Disney confirmed a potential grant in 2023 to cover Solar Power unit may be available from Northamptonshire Safer Roads Alliance, Road Safety Grant fund. http://northantspfcc.org.uk/
6.4 Damaged Fence by Village Brook: Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised that he would be discussing with Bulwick Estates week commencing 23rd January 2023. Follow up next meeting
Action MB
7. Defibrillator Tender: Cllr Sanderson advised that the order has been confirmed to The Community Heartbeat Trust charity & Cllr Sanderson is awaiting the invoice to procure the equipment and services.
It was agreed that the Clerk could raise payment cheque £3,330.00 (including VAT) and request signatures prior to the next meeting
Action JS & AD
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair). Seconded Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
Clerk confirmed Bulwick Parish Council Insurance Covers Defibrillator in case of theft
8.0 Telephone Box Refurbishment: The Clerk advised the meeting that planning has been applied for regarding refurbishment of the Phone Box. As well as the standard documents a Heritage Assessment statement was required as the K6 Telephone Box is a Listed Building. The Clerk has been in contact with Historic England to prepare the statement. A detail location map was also required at the cost of £16.20 paid by Clerk Disney. Approval to reimburse the Clerk at the next meeting
Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Vaughan
This has been submitted to North Northants Planning team. However, 2 further documents are required, plan of the location of the defibrillator in the Phone Box and details of the signage. These need to be submitted by The Community Heatbeat Trrust within the next 2 weeks Cllr Sanderson agreed to chase the documents
Action JS
Cllr Beaton (Chair) will undertake the tender process for a professional company to undertake the refurbishment of the K6 telephone kiosk once planning is approved
Clerk Disney advised that grants are available from Historic England as well as details on companies who have undertaken restoration projects in the past. Historic England. Org.uk website for details
Update at next meeting
Action MB
9. Planning – Update For information
None to date
10. Finance 2022 / 23:
10.1 Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Direct debit. £6.60. Bank charges. Paid to HSBC.
Cheque no. 100053 for £60.89. Street lighting maintenance. Paid to EON.
Cheque no. 100054 for £405.92. Clerk’s pay. Paid to A Disney.
Cheque no.100055 for £101.20. Clerk’s HMRC reimbursement. Paid to A Disney
Cheque no. 100056 for £158.40. Training courses flying start x2 & Chair/leadership x1 . Paid to NCALC.
Cheque no. 100057 for £40.00. Data protection fee. Paid to Information Commissioner.
Cheque no. 100058 for £6.96. Unmetered electricity. Paid to SSE
Cheque no. 100059 for £38.93. Community engagement event - Cllr Beaton (Chair) - reimburse Clerk. Paid to A Disney
Direct debit for £5.80. Bank charges. Paid to HSBC
Total £824.70
Bank Charges £6.60 already taken from bank account
Uncashed Cheques £34.66
Total £852.76
10.2 Receipts:
£15,000.00. Precept payment. North Northants Council.
£2,813.00 Speed sign grant. Northants Police.
£1,975.00 Defibrillator Grant. North Northants Council.
£47.84.00 VAT refund. HMRC
10.3 Summary of Balances
National Savings £0
Current Account 31st December 2022 £15,953.15
Total Reserves £15,100.39
10.4 Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair
10.5 Defibrillator Accounts
The Clerk presented the status of Accounts for the Defibrillator project
It was unanimously approved and duly signed by the chair
10.6 Internal Audit FY22/23
It was agreed to approach Justina Medwell to undertake the Internal audit of the Bulwick Parish Council Accounts. Clerk requested to approach Ms Medwell to confirm her availability
Action AD
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded Cllr Sanderson
11. Future Bank Project
The Clerk Disney, advised the councillors that an application is in progress to move the Bulwick Parish Account to the Unity Trust Bank. Councillors provided signatures at the meeting
It is hoped that the transfer will take 7 days once all documents have been sent to the bank
Action AD
12. To Approve 2023 / 22 Budget and set Precept
The final budget for 2023/24 was presented to the Parish Council for consideration. The Council Resolved to accept the budget and to authorise a Precept for the year 2023/24 of £15,000.00. The amount is unchanged from FY2022/23 as the Parish Council is sensitive to the impact on residence with the overall cost of living rises and wanted to not add to this impact during the precept setting.
As well as the standard costs such as insurance, clerk wages, village lighting / electricity costs etc the council decided to include budget items required in response to residents requests defibrillator servicing; refurbishment of 1 of the heritage street lights on main street (the remaining 3 to be included in future precepts); litter picking equipment; tree planting for the Kings Coronation; A new Bench (location tbc); & refurbishment to existing benches and Parish Council Noticeboard.
Precept was agreed to be set at £15,000.00 for FY 2023/ 24
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded. Cllr Doel Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
The Clerk to ensure the Precept is submitted to Northants County Council on no later than the
20th January 2023
13. Police Liaison Representative Report
Postponed until next meeting
Action SH
14. Correspondence:
14.1 Augean Community Newsletter Winter 2022 – shared with councillors
Cllr Beaton (Chair) Wishes to explore opportunities for a community grant with Augean. Report to next meeting
Action MB
15. Any Later Business for the Next Meeting
Village Signs requiring attention:
Cllr Sanderson brought to the attention of the meeting that the footpath sign on Blatherwycke Road on footpath leading to Blatherwycke Estate is very loose and needs repair (cementing in). Cllr Sanderson also wanted to request a longer pole so that the mobile speeding sign could be attached to it.
Cllr Sanderson raised that the wooden footpath sign on the opposite side of the road needs to be refurbished.
The Clerk advised that any highways item can be raised on https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-transport/report
Cllr Beaton (Chair) agreed to raise these items
Action MB & AD
Cllr Sanderson requested a new agenda item be added at the next meeting regarding Bulwick Village Centre ownership. Cllr Beaton (Chair) agreed to undertake some pre work prior to the next meeting
Action MB
16. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 6th March 2023 at 7pm
Meeting closed at 8.19 pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………