MINUTES OF MEETING 12/12/2022, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllr M Beaton (Chair) , Cllrs L Vaughan, J Sanderson, J Doel, Clerk A Disney
In Attendance: 2 members of the public.
1. Apologies received and approved: Cllr Fisher
2. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:
There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
3. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 17th October 2022
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed: Cllr Vaughan Seconded: Cllr Doel Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting
4. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda
4.1 Queens Jubilee / Remembrance – Tree Planting: Parish Clerk Disney advised the councillors that the licence to plant was in progress with Highways Northampton but that a detailed map of the area proposed was required. Cllr Vaughan presented the map showing the proposed tree location. It was requested to keep the existing concrete base intact as the provision of a bench may be considered in future years.
The map takes into consideration that the tree must be planted at least 6 meters from the nearest building.
Additionally for the licence to be granted, consent from any landowner adjacent to the site is required. The Clerk was requested to prepare a letter of consent and share with Cllr Vaughan. Cllr Vaughan will discuss then with Bulwick Estates to request approval to proceed.
Action AD & LV
Once the letter of consent is received the Clerk is requested to apply for the licence
Action AD
5. Meeting Open to the Public
Damaged Fence by Village Brook: Request made to the Councillors to chase up repair of the fence by the brook. Cllr Beaton (Chair) agreed to remind the landowner
Action MB
Mobile Speed Sign: The Speed sign has been positively received by the village residents. There has been a recognised decrease in speeding into the village where the sign is located. However, the sign needs to be recharged every 10 days.
Request to Cllr Vaughan to discuss with Swarco options available to improve Speed Sign usability i.e. charge cable to lamp post or solar etc.
Action LV
Clerk requested to investigate the feasibility of attaching charging from village lamp posts
Action AD
Clerk requested to investigate any potential grants 2023 / 24 to cover Solar Power unit
Action AD
6. Highway Matters
6.1 Village lighting: Cllr Beaton confirmed that an order has been placed with EON to refurbish 10 of the 14 village lights. All Pole; Wall & Galvanised steel lights. It has been confirmed that the required lighting effect is 3000k giving a warmer tone
On the 15th November EON confirmed materials were ordered with expected delivery around 8 weeks
Following delivery EON will confirm the schedule or work including the date
EON confirmed that it is the responsibility of the Parish Council to contact residents who will be directly affected by the work as the lighting is mounted either directly to their property or on a nearby pole. Councillor Beaton (Chair) agreed to undertake this communication.
Action MB
Clerk to provide details of location of Street Lights by email
Action AD
The remaining 4 Heritage Black light refurbishment on Main Street to be reviewed as part of 2023 / 24 precept discussions.
6.2 Community Litter Picking: Volunteers attended the organised community litter picking on Sunday 27th November organised by Ms Angela Jones. Cllr Beaton (Chair) Thanked Ms Jones and all the volunteers for taking time to support litter picking in Bulwick. All agreed that the event was worthwhile, and that the village should hold regular events.
There were some concerns expressed over some of the items found and these with be shared with the Police Liaison Representative.
Unfortunately, the Clerk was unable to secure loan off equipment from North Northants Council. Councillors agreed to consider purchase of village equipment in 2023 / 24 precept.
Action AD
6.3 Parking on the Village Green
Cllr Vaughan updated attendees explaining that discussions with the North Northants Road Safety team were ongoing. & a meeting was set w/c 12th at around 5pm by the village. Following the visit, it is hoped that potential improvements may be found. Cllr Sanderson agreed to support the meeting to see if there is potential to change the Village Green slightly to include recognised parking bays. Update at next meeting
Action LV & JS
7. Defibrillator Tender: Cllr Sanderson advised the results of the tender to provide and install Bulwick Village Defibrillator including a service contract.
Community Heartbeat Trust - responded with detailed answers and costs
St John's Ambulance - responded with cost of machine (only)
British Heart Foundation – no response. Cllr Sanderson notified them the deadline was extended and have checked the email address was correct. No response.
Please refer to appendix for all details of the responses
It was agreed that Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT) should be selected as the provider for the Bulwick Defibrillator, installation, and service contract.
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair). Seconded. Cllr Doel It was unanimously agreed by all Cllrs
Cllr Sanderson to clarify, timing; signage, planning with CHT Prior to placing the order.
Action JS
Clerk requested to confirm Bulwick Parish Council Insurance covers Defibrillator in case of theft
Action AD
Update to next meeting
8.0 Telephone Box Refurbishment: The Clerk advised the meeting that the village Telephone Box is a listed building and therefore prior to refurbishment and placing the Village Defibrillator in the box planning approval is required. From the website it appears this has not cost. Cllrs requested the Clerk to apply for planning regarding Listed Building approval.
Action AD
Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair). Seconded Cllr Vaughan. Agreed by all Cllrs
Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised the meeting that in parallel, Cllr Beaton will approach companies for quotes to carry out the refurbishment and provide an update at next meeting
Action MB
9. New Policy
9.1 Dignity at Work Policy was approved & will be published on the Bulwick Parish Council Website
9.2 Training Statement of Intent 2023 / 24 was approved & will be published on the Bulwick Parish Council Website
Proposed. Cllr Sanderson Seconded. Cllr Vaughan It was unanimously agreed by all Cllrs
Cllr Vaughan to publish Policy on Bulwick Parish Council Website
Action LV
9.3 Community Engagement Strategy
Cllr Beaton (Chair). Agreed to attend the training event online on 25th Jan 2023
Cllr Beaton (Chair) agreed to lead the next steps to develop Bulwick Parish Council Strategy
Action MB
10. Planning – Update For information
NE/22/01588/TCA/ Common ash tree by side of road. Tree survey recommends removing upper crown to major unions at approx. 5 metres. Reduce the length of the lower branch – Councillors Support this application
11. Finance 2022 / 23:
Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Cheque no. 100047 for £529.14. Election fees (from 2021) authorised by email. Paid to North Northants.
Cheque no. 100048 for £405.92. Clerk’s salary. Paid to A Disney
Cheque no.100052 for £101.20. Clerk’s HMRC reimbursement. Paid to A Disney
Direct debit. £8.20. Bank charges 30 Sept - 30 Oct. Paid to HSBC.
Cheque no. 100050. £ 13.46. Electricity supply. Paid to SSE
Cheque no. 100051 for £21.20. Back VAT invoice. Paid to NCALC.
Direct debit. £6.60. Bank charges 31 Oct - 29 Nov. Paid to HSBC. 11.2.
Total: £1,085.72
Election Fees £529.14 & Bank Charges £8.20 already paid from account. Tonight’s payment total: £548.38
£15,000.00. Precept payment. North Northants Council.
£2,813.00 Speed sign grant. Northants Police.
£1,975.00 Defibrillator Grant. North Northants Council.
£47.84.00 VAT refund. HMRC
11.3 Summary of Balances
National Savings £0
Current Account 30th November 2022 £16,466.87
Total Reserves £15,918.49
Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair
11.4 Insurance Renewal
The Clerk confirmed to the meeting that Bulwick Parish Council Yearly insurance has been successfully updated to Zurich insurance as per the Parish Council direction.
The Clerk asked to confirm cover in case of theft.
Action AD
12. Future Bank Project
At the request of the Parish Council the Clerk contacted 3 banks: Unity Trust Bank; Coop Bank; and Lloyds bank to compare their service against HSBC the current Bulwick Parish Council bank.
HSBC has become increasingly more difficult to do business with. They require a yearly safeguarding check and bank charges have been increasing at a cost per cheque. The bank has not offered online banking to the Parish Council.
Details of the accounts are available upon request. Please email: info@bulwickpc.org.uk
It was agreed to move Bulwick Parish Council Account to Unity Trust
Proposed. Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded. Cllr Sanderson unanimously approved by all councillors at the meeting
Clerk to action bank change as soon as practicable & advise Councillors of any actions required
13. Direction for 2023 / 2024 Precept and Budget
A Draft Precept document was presented by the Clerk for the Bulwick Parish Councillors consideration.
As well as the requirement to cover village accounts a number of additional items were discussed.
4 remaining Street light Refurbishment (heritage). The Councillors agreed that it would be prudent due to the cost of the refurbishment to target only 1 or 2 of the remaining lamps in 2023 / 24 to spread the cost & to stagger future refreshment of street lighting.
It was requested that an amount be added to the precept to purchase litter picking equipment and bags, as the Clerk was unable to secure loan of the equipment for the previous village litter pick event.
A discussion on a second tree in the village to mark the Kings Coronation requested that this should also be added to the precept.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) requested all councillors to study the detail of the draft precept and engage with the residents to understand any additional items they wanted to be considered to the Clerk and the Chair so that a final proposal could be made and approved at January 9th 2023 Meeting.
Action All Cllrs
Precept must be submitted to Northants County Council on no later than the 20th January 2023
14. Correspondence:
14.1 Invitation to attend Volunteer action recognition event – Shared with Councillors - Closed
14.2 Rockingham Forest launch of building links – Shared with All Councillors - Closed
14.3 Invitation to attend Nene Valley event – Shared with all Councillors - Noted
14.4 Electric Vehicle Charging Points presentation and survey - Shared with all Councillors - Responded
14.5 Age UK AGM Invite – Shared with Councillors - Noted
14.6 NCALC White Ribbon day – Shared with Councillors - Responded
14.7 Building links to Rockingham Forrest – Shared with Councillors - Closed
14.8 Gallagher, cyber webinair – Shared with Councillors - Noted
14.9 ACRE Parish Council Network event Nov – Shared with Councillors - Noted
14.10 North Northants Council, Warmer Space – Shared with Councillors - Noted
14.11 Age UK magazine– Shared with Councillors - Noted
15. Any later business for the next meeting
Planning for King Charles III coronation 6th May 2023
It was agreed that the Parish Council would not undertake any formal arrangements for a celebration as it is believed that residents and local businesses would make their own plans.
Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised a coronation service would be held at the church on the 5th May.
16. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9th January 2023 at 7pm
Meeting closed at 8.15pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………