MINUTES OF MEETING 17/10/2022, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre


Councillors: Cllr M Beaton (Chair) , L Vaughan, J Sanderson, J Doel Clerk A Disney

Attendance: 3 members of the public.

1. Apologies received and approved: Cllr Fisher

2. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:

There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.

3. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 12th September 2022

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.

Proposed: Cllr Sanderson Seconded: Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

4. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda

4.1 Defibrillator Grant Application: Cllr Sanderson presented the tender document for the defibrillator procurement & service contract for approval to issue. The intention is to issue to 3 suppliers, namely The British Heat Foundation; SJA Organisation and the Community Heat Beat as well as putting the tender document onto the Parish Council social media sites. Bids for the tender are requested no later than Noon on the 12th November 2022.

Cllr Sanderson requested & was given approval to move to next step.

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

Action JS

4.2 Refurbishment of the Telephone box to house the Defibrillator.

Cllr Beaton (Chair) agreed to undertake the refurbishment of the telephone box ready to house the Defibrillator.

Action MB

The Clerk was requested to confirm if the refurbishment project would need to go to tender. Following the meeting the clerk has confirmed that it must go to tender as the cost is likely to be greater than £750.00.

Action AD

Proposed Cllr Beaton (Chair). Seconded Cllr Doel

Agreement to proceed with refurbishment was agreed by all Cllrs at the meeting

The Clerk was requested to investigate the electricity supply to the Phone box with EON.

Cllr Vaughan to provide a copy of the BT sale agreement to Cllr Beaton (Chair)

Action AD & LV

4.3 Queens Jubilee / Remembrance – Tree Planting : Parish Clerk Disney advised the councillors of 2 quoted received regarding the purchase of a Prunus Tai-haku or Great White Cherry tree

Barcham (recommended by NCALC)

Height 3 meters Girth12 - 14cm Container 45 litres

1 Stake and Tie No tree planting service Cost £306.00 including VAT

Majestic (Tree supplier)

Height 450 - 500cm Girth 20 - 25 cm Container 200 litres

Fertiliser; 2 stakes and ties full service with warranty Cost £1200.43 including VAT

compost; muck removal from site, Micro digger

Cllr Deol requested the Clerk to confirm guidelines for planting with regards to roots and vicinity of buildings. Since the meeting the Clerk has confirmed that the tree should not be planted within 6m of a building structure.

Clerk requested to confirm if planning permission is required

It was agreed to proceed with obtaining a tree from Majestic once approval / licence to plant is agreed

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Sanderson

The Clerk also advised the Councillors that a letter has been sent to North Northants Council starting the process to obtain a licence (permission) to plant the tree on NNC land.

Action AD

4.4 Policy Updates:

4.4.1 Bulwick Parish Council constitution updated & approved for signature

Proposed: Cllr Sanderson Seconded: Cllr Doel Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

4.4.2 Risk Assessment reviewed and updated & approved for signature

Proposed: Cllr Vaughan Seconded: Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

4.4.3 Code of Conduct reviewed and agreed for signature

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair( Seconded: Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

4.4.4 Finance Policy updated & approved for signature

Proposed: Cllr Sanderson Seconded: Cllr Vaughan Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

5. Meeting Open to the Public

The Public Attendees thanked the Council on the procurement and implementation of the village speed sign.

A request to study in the future of powering the sign via the street lighting was made. This was agreed to hold until after the street lighting has been refurbished (2023 / 2024)

6. Civility and Respect Project – The Pledge

The Councillors had already received detail of the Civility and Respect Pledge prior to the meeting. The Bulwick Parish Councillors fully support the project and reviewed the check list provided at the meeting.

It was agreed that Bulwick Parish Council would sign up to the Pledge and also to attend training where appropriate

The Clerk was requested to register the Bulwick Parish Council with the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC).

Action AD

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Sanderson Approved by all Cllrs at the meeting

7. Boundary Review North and West Northants

The Councillors present understood the activity and await further information.

The Councillors recognise the importance of this activity and request the Clerk to keep them updated

Action AD

Police Liaison Report

Mr Stephen Hedderly Bulwick Police Liaison Representative attended the Parish Council meeting to share information with the Parish Councillors. Steve explained that he had attended virtual meetings with the Police to understand what their plans are in the area.

The Police have offered to attend a Bulwick Parish Council meeting and present the latest thinking on Crime Prevention. The Councillors agreed that this would be beneficial to the Parish and asked Steve if he would set this up. The Clerk will include in a meeting agenda once the date has been agreed. This will be published on the notice board and on all PC media sites inviting residence to attend.

Action SH & AD

Steve explained that there is a lot of information shared with the PLR. It was agreed that the pertinent information to be communicated would be any trend information or any items that directly impacted the residence of Bulwick. Steve agreed to filter the information and provide communications in line with the agreed direction. The Clerk & Cllr Vaughan who would then publish via PC Media sites, including the Bulwick Whatsapp where appropriate.

Action SH, AD & CV

It was noted that Bulwick is a safe environment and that it was important to promote this when communicating any information to residence.

It was agreed that Steve would attend and brief the council at every second meeting as an agenda item. Next meeting will be January.

Action AD

9. Highway Matters

9.1 Village lighting: Clerk has requested updated quotes, from EON but these have not yet been received. Based on May quote proposal to order refurbishment of 10 of the 14 village lights. All Pole; Wall & Galvanised steel lights. The remaining Heritage Black lights on Main Street to be funded from precept in 2023. Councillors agree to place the order once quotes are confirmed against available budget

Proposed: Cllr Doel Seconded: Cllr Vaughan . All councillors in attendance support the proposal

Action AD

9.2 Community Litter Picking: Volunteers were requested to organise the community litter picking.

Ms Angela Jones agreed to undertake organising a village litter picking event. Angela will co-ordinate with the Clerk to confirm date and arrange the equipment loan from North Northants Council.

Action AJ & AD

9.3 Parking on the Village Green

Cllr Vaughan updated attendees explaining that a discussion with the North Northants Road Safety team were ongoing.

Cllr Beaton (Chair) advised attendees that although the Parish Council were in discussions, that the residents should raise concern directly as this was a highways matter and although the Cllrs could pass concerns on, it was with the Road Safety team to take any action as they see appropriate.

Action LV

10. Electric Charging Vehicle Point Scheme

Cllr Vaughan attend a meeting on the 13th of October. Overall around 35 Parish Councils attend the on line meeting. Take away points

1. The cost per charge point installation is £1 – 2 k

2. Some parish councils are planning solar panels on village hall roofs to support ECV

3. Western Power are installing free car charge points in Castle Bytham as part of a community electric vehicle project. They may expand this in future

4. Insurance regarding charge cables across pavements is still unclear

5. For smaller villages like Bulwick, it may be more prudent to campaign for bus roots

Cllr Beaton (Chair) thanked Cllr Vaughan for attending the meeting and sharing the information

11. Planning – Update For information

NE/22/00845/TCA - No objection for North Northants Council

NE/22/00882/TCA - No objection for North Northants Council

12. Finance 2022 / 23:

12.1 Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:

Cheque no. 100033 for £10.75. Street lighting electricity July & August. Paid to SSE

Direct debit. £8.60. Bank charges. Paid to HSBC.

Cheque no. 100034 for £52.80. ‘Off to a Flying Start’ training. Paid to NCALC

Cheque no.100035 for £405.92. Clerk’s pay July & August. Paid to A Disney

Cheque no. 100037 £15.20. Clerk’s reimbursement - postage. Paid to A Disney

Cheque no. 100038 for £6.82. Street lighting electricity Sept. Paid to SSE

Direct debit. £5.00. Bank charges. Paid to HSBC.

Cheque no. 100040 for £60.89. Street lighting maintenance. Paid to EON

Cheque no. 100044 for £15.95. Clerk expenses. Paid to A Disney

Cheque no. 100042. £202.96. Clerk pay Sept. Paid to A Disney

Cheque no. 100041. £151.80 Income tax payment (paid by clerk). Paid to A Disney

Cheque no. 100043. £6.90. Street lighting electricity Oct. Paid to SSE

Cheque no. 100045. £300.00. Insurance renewal. Paid to Zurich.

Total: £1,243.59

Bank charges already deducted from bank account = additional outgoings £1229.99

12.2 Receipts:

£15,000.00. Precept payment. North Northants Council.

£2,813.00 Speed sign grant. Northants Police.

£1,975.00 Defibrillator Grant. North Northants Council.

National Savings £0

Current Account 30th Sept 2022 £18191.76

Total Reserves £16,961.77

12.4 Bank Statement & Accounts:

The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair

12.5 Banking Accounts Other:

  • A letter to HSBC was signed by Cllr Beaton (Chair) to remove Cllr Taylor who resigned

  • The Mandate for Cllr Doel will be prepared and signed following the meeting

  • HSBC increased bank charges has made HSBC non-competitive. There is also and yearly safeguarding checks which is time consuming. The Parish Council have requested the Clerk to propose an alternative at next meeting

Action AD

12.6 Insurance Renewal

The Clerk informed the councillors of the latest quotes from AJG and Zurich. The details of both polices were sheered with councillors.

AJG renewal cost £626.64

Zurich cost £300

It was agreed to source insurance with Zurich in 2022 / 23 at £300.00.

The clerk is requested to proceed to put the policy in place & raise the cheque for signature

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Sanderson. It was unanimously agreed by all Cllrs

Action AD

13. Correspondence:

13.1 Northamptonshire ACRE’s Village viewpoint magazine – Shared with Councillors - Closed

13.2 EON Notification of address change for billing – For information to the clerk - Noted

13.3 NCALC Training email on new courses – Shared with Councillors – All Cllrs

13.4 Communication on Tree planting Licence from Planning office – For information to the clerk- Ongong

13.5 New Street Doctor www.northnorthants.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-transport/report-potholes-or-highway-problem - Shared with councillors – For Info

14. Any later business for the next meeting

Precept preparation for FY2023

Planning for King Charles III coronation 6th May 2023

15. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9th January 2023 at 7pm

Meeting closed at 8.39 pm

Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………