MINUTES OF MEETING 12/09/2022, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre


Councillors: Cllr H Fisher (Chair), L Vaughan, M Beaton, Clerk A Disney

In Attendance: 7 members of the public.

Councillor Fisher (Vice Chair) Read out the Proclamation ff Accession, following the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second.

1. Election of New Chair following the resignation of Cllr Taylor (Chair)

Chair: Councillor Beaton

Proposed: Cllr Fisher Seconded: Cllr Vaughan

Unanimously supported by all council members present & by proxy from Cllr Sanderson

The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed

2. Apologies received and approved: Cllr Saunderson

3. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:

There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.

4. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 11th July 2022

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.

Proposed: Cllr Vaughan Seconded: Cllr Fisher

4.1 Approve and sign the minutes of the Open Parish Meeting 11th July 2022:

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.

Proposed: Cllr Vaughan Seconded: Cllr Fisher

5. Co Opt of new Councillor following the resignation of Cllr Taylor (Chair)

Only 1 candidate applied for the vacant councillor position

Councillor: Joanne Doel was Co Opted to the Bulwick Parish Council

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Fisher

Unanimously supported by all council members present

The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed

Cllr Doel, introduced herself to the meeting attendees.

Cllr Doel has resided in the Bulwick Parish for 6 years

Place of residence is Bulwick Hall

Cllr Doel is married and has 3 children & wants to be to be more involved in matters effecting Bulwick Parish. Cllr Doel looks forward to the new challenges being a councillor will bring

Clerk & Cllr Vaughan to update Parish Notice Board & Social Media sites

Action AD and LV

6. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda (For information only)

6.1 Defibrillator Grant Application: Grant funding has been received into Bulwick Parish Council Accounts. Next step is to prepare the specification for the defibrillator and put out to tender to minimum of 3 suppliers.

Action JS

6.2 Speeding Sign Grant Application: Sign due for deliver on the 13th September 2022. Plan to have the sign in place as soon as possible. Cllr Vaughan requested help to place the sign due to its bulk. Cllr Beaton (Chair) and members from the village offered to support. Cllr Vaughan to organise timing.

Action LV

6.3 Queens Jubilee Celebration – Tree Planting : Parish Clerk Disney advised the councillors a meeting was held with North Northampton Planning (Aerobiologist), Brian Ogden at the proposed site for the tree. Mr Odgen advised 2 trees would be suitable. 1. An Oak Tree or 2. Prunus Tai-haku or Great White Cherry tree.

All the councillors agreed on Prunus Tai-haku or Great White Cherry tree as the Jubilee tree.

The Clerk is requested to obtain a quotation from Barcham Tree Specialists who are recommended by North Northants Arboricultural Development Officer | Grounds Maintenance

Action AD

Once a quotation is received and if accepted, the next step is to apply for a licence to plant on North Northampton land.

Action AD

Mr Ogden proposed a village walk with the councillors so that they could look for further opportunities for planting in the village. The councillors would like to take this opportunity and requested the clerk to arrange a time and date

6.4 Policy Updates: Held over to 17th October Meeting

7. Meeting Open to the Public

7.1 Bulwick Parish Council in memory of HM the Queen

It was suggested that Bulwick Parish Council should purchase flowers to place as a tribute to HM the Queen on behalf of the residents of Bulwick.

Proposed: Cllr Fisher Seconded: Cllr Beaton (Chair). All in attendance supported unanimously

Cllr Fisher agreed to source the flowers and arrangements were agreed to lay the tribute on Friday 16th September 2022 and invite all residents

Action HF

Cllr Fisher explained that a book of condolence was available in St Nicholas Church Bulwick between 10.00am and 5.00 pm. A Benefice ‘Vigil Service will be held at Kingscliffe Church at 6pm Sunday 18th September and Bulwick residence are invited to attend.

All information is available on village notice board, PC website and other social media sites

7.2 Street Lighting:

Question to the Councillors on the status of gathering support for a loan to allow all the village street lighting to be refurbished.

Cllr Beaton (Chair) explained that so far only 24 signatures had been received and that a significant more is needed before the loan application can be made. It was agreed that the Councillors would do 1 more door to door session to gain support from the residents. Final date for gathering will be 7th October 2022.

It was agreed that the Clerk should get updated quotes and advise how many streetlights could be refurbished using the funds available in the precept.

Action AD

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair). Seconded: Cllr Vaughan.

All Councillors in attendance supported

7.3 Village Green – Parking

Concerns were raised about the village green being used to park vehicles. There has been several incidents involving vehicles and / or bikes due to the poor visibility caused by the parked vehicles blocking the line of site, witnessed by residents. Additionally, it was the consensus that the village green should be kept for residents to enjoy using it and not as a car park.

Further concerns were raised about the parking of non-resident vehicles on main street. This results in issues with vehicle passage through the village as there is no passing place designated on main street.

Cllr Vaughan agreed to approach The Road Safety Team for advice & report back to the next meeting

Action LV

Attendees were also requested to contact highways officials to report any incidents that they witnessed to raise the profile of this issue.

7.4 Other:

Fence by the Brook repair status – Cllr Vaughan to remind Bulwick Estate to repair the fencing

Action LV

Verge Cutting was confirmed as the responsibility of the Highways Agency

Salt Bin – the damaged bins have been reported to fixmystreet and they have listed for repair / replace. The Salt Bin on the village green is a Bulwick Parish Council Asset

An issue was raised regarding the welfare of some of the livestock currently grazing on land around Bulwick. The Parish Council advised that any concerns should be raised to the relevant animal welfare group.

8. Civility and Respect Project – The Pledge

Held over until 17th October Meeting

9. External Auditors Appointment

The Councillors present agreed to opt into the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments (SAAA) activity to appoint central external auditors 2022 - 2027. Clerk to respond to the email from SAAA when received noting the intention to remain opted in.

Action AD

10. Police Liaison Report

Held over until 17th October Meeting

11. Highway Matters

11.1 Village lighting: Clerk requested to get upto date quote from EON. Based on the quote clerk to propose which lights could be refurbished in the village using the funds available in the precept.

Action AD

Proposed: Cllr Beaton (Chair) Seconded: Cllr Vaughan. All councillors in attendance support the proposal

11.2 Verge Cutting: Completed by Highways Agency - Closed

11.3 Community Litter Picking: Held over until 17th October Meeting

11.4 Tree trimming on Deene Road:

It has so far been difficult to find who is responsible for the trees on Deene Road on the verge. Ongoing investigations. Cllr Beaton (Chair) to discuss with residence the possibility of requesting BT to move the location of the cable to the properties as an alternative solution.

Replacement of Bench on Junction of Read Lodge Lane

Held over until 17th October Meeting

Action MB

12. Planning – Update For information

NE/22/00084/REM Reserved matters: access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to the erection of 197no dwellings Parcels 19 & 20, Zone 3, Key Phase 4; pursuant to application 19/01219/OUT: Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for means of access in relation to the highway access from the A43 and means of access and landscaping in respect of the causeway crossing from Zone 1, for the development of a mixed use urban extension to include; residential development of up to 3,500 dwellings (C3), up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 and D2 uses within two local centres, up to 1,000m2 of D1/D2 (community building / changing rooms uses), two primary schools (D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open space), green infrastructure including formal and informal open space, wildlife corridors, landscaping, allotments / orchards and play areas, primary street and pedestrian and cycle network including diversions to existing PROWs, connections to the surrounding highway , sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and any necessary groundworks and demolition, and extension to Local Wildlife Sites at Priors Hall Site Kirby Lane Deene NN17 3EJ - Parish Council did not comment

NE/22/00897/TCA Ash (T1) to be felled as dangerous - symptons of advanced ash dieback throughout crown - remove to ground level Land NW Of St Nicholas Church Main Street Bulwick – Parish Council Supports

NE/22/00882/TCA Tree located opposite no 25. T1 (Ash) fell as tree is dangerous. Symptoms of advanced ash dieback. Remove to ground level. Replant with one standard Oak in same place Land NW Of St Nicholas Church Main Street Bulwick – Parish Council Supports

NE/22/00433/FUL Application approved

13. Finance 2022 / 23:

13.1 Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:

Cheque no. 100039 for £50.00. Flower tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II. Paid to Mrs V Martin

13.2 Receipts:

£15,000.00. Precept payment. North Northants Council.

£2,813.00 Speed sign grant. Northants Police.

£1,975.00 Defibrillator Grant. North Northants Council.13.3 Summary of Balances

National Savings £0

Current Account 31st August 2022 £18246.76

Total Reserves £17,649.07

13.4 Bank Statement & Accounts:

To be agreed at 17th October Meeting.

Cllr Doel to be added to banking mandate and Cllr Taylor Removed

Action AD

14. Correspondence:

14.1 Northamptonshire VCSE Assembly – No councillors wish to attend - Closed

14.2 Northants CALC 75th Annual Conference invites for Councillors – No councillors wish to attend - Closed

14.3 NCALC Training Courses – No request to attend - Closed

14.4 Polish War Memorial & link to Bulwick – Sent to councillors to respond - Closed

14.5 Teffield Parish Council request guidance on grant application – Cllr Vaugan and Clerk responded

14.6 Augean notification of EMRF Development Consent Order – Shared with Cllrs for info - Closed

14.7 Age UK Magazine – Clerk requested 6 copies to be made available in the village phone box - Closed

14.8 Snowball Newsletter – Shared with Cllrs - Closed

15. Any later business for the next meeting

Insurance quotes to be requested

16. Date of Next Meeting: 17th October 2022 at 7pm

Meeting closed at 8.00pm

Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………