MINUTES OF EXTRAORDINARY MEETING 11/07/2022, 6.30pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllrs J Taylor (Chair), J Sanderson, L Vaughan, Beaton, Fisher, Clerk Disney
In Attendance: 2 members of the public.
1. Apologies received and approved: None
2. Presentation on Bulwick Village Street Lighting Project:
Cllr Taylor (Chair) opened the meeting and advised attendees on the background to the Street Lighting Project. A number of complaints had been received by Parish Councillors regarding the condition of the Village Street Lighting and that it was difficult to find your way around the village during the hours of darkness. The Bulwick Parish Council set up a study to understand the reasons for the poor lighting and what were the possible solutions.
Cllr Taylor requested the Clerk to update the meeting on the project and its findings.
2.1 Project Findings (Please refer to the full presentation on Bulwick Parish Council Website)
Bulwick Village has 14 Street Lights (4 Black / Steel Column; 2 Pole Mounted; 5 Wall Bracket & 3 Galvanized Steel)
EON were requested to survey the lights and classed 8 out of 14 as Obsolete with 2 already unrepairable showing a red light.
EON quoted on 2 options to upgrade all of the Street Lights which would give a benefit of controlling increasing Energy costs, reducing maintenance costs and eliminating sodium lanterns.
2.2 Options
Option 1: Replace 14 existing lamps to LED Holophane (18W) S Line . Cost £6,601.00 excluding VAT as at 4th May 2022. The Councillors agreed that although this was the low cost option it would not keep the same look to the Heritage swan necked lanterns on Main Street.
Option 2: Replace 14 existing lamps to LED Metcraft Addington Heritage Style (18W). Cost £19,030.00 excluding VAT as at 4th May 2022. The Councillors agreed that although this would be a nice feature to the village the high cost prohibited this option
Option 3: Hybrid: Replace14 existing lamps to LED on like for like basis (18W). Cost £11,493.00 excluding VAT as at 4th May 2022. Councillors agreed that this option would keep the swan necked lamps on Main Street and keep all other Street Lights as close to the same look as current.
The Councillors all agreed that Option 3 was the preferred direction. In all options the Street lights on Millies land and Church Lane would remain as Galvanized Steel.
Option 3 was selected.
Proposed: Cllr Beaton. Seconded Cllr Taylor (Chair). Agreed by all Councillors
3. Meeting Open to the Public
The members of the public present at the meeting requested to understand about the precept.
Cllr Taylor (Chair) explained that this is the portion of the annual council tax bill. It is listed as part of the overall costs within the bill. Previously the precept was very low which meant that only the basic village bills had been covered. In 2022/23 the precept had increased to allow the Bulwick Parish Council to undertake much needed refurbishments to village assets.
4. Meeting Attendees Signing of Intention (Support / Not Support):
All Meeting attendees then signed a consultation document. All meeting attendees were in favour of the project and happy to accept the cost within the next 20 years precept
5.0 Next Steps
Prior to preparing loan application the Bulwick Parish Council needs to gather the resident’s response to proceeding by consultation via face to face discussion and completion of a consultation document by residents. This consultation document asks residents to confirm they are happy to proceed with the street lighting project refurbishment and that they are also happy to accept that the loan repayment cost would have to be included in the precept for the next 20 years. Cllr Vaughan; Cllr Fisher and Cllr Beaton agreed to undertake this activity.
Action LV, HF & MB
Or residents can complete online at http://www.bulwickpc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Street-Lighting-Presentation-2.pdf
Responses needed by 25th July 2022
Due to the short lead time & Holidays it has been agreed to extend the response date to Monday 15th August 2022
Action JT
6. Meeting closed at 7pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………