MINUTES OF MEETING 11/07/2022, 7pm at Bulwick Village Centre
Councillors: Cllrs J Taylor (Chair), J Sanderson, L Vaughan, Beaton, Fisher, Clerk Disney
In Attendance: 2 members of the public.
1. Volunteer Action Group (VA) Presentation
Stuart Anderson (Chairman) and David Cashmore from Volunteer action group made a presentation on what their group have to offer to Bulwick residents. Please refer to material in appendix. In summary VA has been operating for around 25 years. They provide a car scheme and a befriending service. They currently have 600 users mainly older generation but also those with short- or long-term disabilities. Membership is free. They have 75 active volunteer drivers who are booked at least 2 days in advance to cover a wide range of destinations (approx. 50% of journeys are for medial reasons). Drivers receive 45p/mile for the whole journey.
VA also offer a befriending service
Request to Bulwick Parish Council (BPC):
Currently VA has no drivers in Bulwick, Blatherwycke or Deene and AV would like BPC to support in promoting the work of the VA and request for volunteers from the Parish
There are 4 village residents who currently use VA and VA would like BPC to support promoting the opportunities available to all village residents.
VA are also looking for volunteers for the befriending service.
Anyone interested either to use the service or to volunteer should go to www.volunteeractionounde.org.uk or call 01832 275433 to discuss further.
Cllr Taylor (Chair) thanked Stuart and David for coming to the meeting and sharing the information about VA and all they do. The Councillors were agreed that the Volunteer Action Group activity is important to villages like Bulwick and that they would positively support promoting the activity in the Bulwick Parish by displaying information on the BPC notice board & include links on all of the Parish Council social media sites
Action LV & AD
2. Apologies received and approved: None.
3. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests:
There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
4. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 6th May 2022
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Vaughan Seconded Cllr Beaton
4.1 Approve and sign the minutes & Annual Parish Meeting 6th May 2022:
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Fisher Seconded Cllr Sanderson
5. Matters arising from the minutes, not listed on Agenda (For information only)
5.1 Defibrillator Grant Application: Cllr Sanderson advised that the application to the community grant fund was successful & that funds are now in the Parish Council account. It was agreed that a request for quotation will be prepared in September and issued to at least 3 suppliers to tender as per Bulwick Parish Council Finance Regulations.
Action JS
To comply with grant funding rules accounts have been drafted to report separately on expenditure against the grant and will be presented at future council meetings.
Action AD
Cllr Sanderson requested volunteers to repaint the Phone Box. Timing to be confirmed
Update at next meeting
Action JS
5.2 Speeding Sign Grant Application: Cllr Vaughan advised that the funding is now available in the Parish Council account. Cllr Vaughan has received a revised quote from SWARCO which shows a slight increase in cost. Cllr Vaughan request approval to purchase Seeping sign. VAT would need to be funded from the Bulwick Parish Council Precept and then re claimed
Proposed: Cllr Beaton Seconded Cllr Taylor (Chair). All councillors unanimously supported procurement of the Speeding sign
Action LV
Clerk to issue Cheque to SWARCO & procced to reclaim VAT at the appropriate time
Action AD
Cllr Vaughan confirmed the S50 licence has now been approved and documentation received
5.3 Bulwick Centre Update: Cllr Fisher and Cllr Vaughan referred to the Parish Council newsletter which was distributed to all resident’s w/c 20th June 2022. There has been no change in the usage of the Bulwick Centre and it is understood that the Church is continuing in applying to register the land as previously reported
5.4 Police Liaison representative nominations: During the council meeting Mr Stephen Hedderly agreed to take on this role & confirmed this by email afterwards. The Clerk has provided the link to register Mr Hedderly as the Bulwick Police Liaison Representative. The Councillors thanked Mr Hedderly for undertaking this important role
5.5 Bulwick Parish Council Website: Request to move Bulwick Parish Council Website to Square Space cost £11.00 per month + VAT
Proposed Cllr Vaughan. Seconded Cllr Beaton All Councillors agreed
6. Meeting Open to the Public
It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the public footpath next to Christmas Cottage has become overgrown and not easy to access. Additionally, when the fields with the footpath are Harvested the landowner, Blatherwycke Estate, do not re-establish the footpath and walkers have to walk across ploughed fields. The Clerk is requested to contact Blatherwycke Estate and bring these matters to their attention.
Cllr Vaughan confirmed that the fencing by Willow brook will be repaired by Bulwick Estate after receiving a report from village residents outside of the meeting
Action AD
7. Queens Jubilee Celebration in Bulwick:
Tree Planting. The Clerk advised that after contact with North Northants Council, things were progressing. North Northants would like to meet in the village to discuss location and agree tree type and position. Following this they would be able to give approval. There is also a possibility of grant funding for the tree and plaque as part of the Queens Canopy Jubilee celebrations.
Awaiting confirmation from NNC.
Action AD & HF
8. Highway Matters
Village lighting: The Clerk updated the councillors via a presentation on the options regarding Street lighting. The presentation will be made available on the Parish Council Website.
Cllrs Vaughan; Cllrs Fisher and Cllr Beaton agreed to canvas villagers to confirm that this project is supported before progressing to the loan. Close of gathering village response 25th July 2022
Please refer to the mins from the Open meeting 11th July 6.30pm
Action MB, HF & LV
9. Bulwick Parish Council Charter Update:
It was agreed by all present to move from bimonthly meetings of the Parish Council to quarterly meetings. This still meets compliance of 4 meetings + an annual parish meeting yearly. Clerk to amend Parish Council Charter accordingly and publish on website
Proposed: Cllr Taylor (Chair) Seconded Cllr Beaton All Councillors agreed to this change
Action AD
10. Project Kick off Planning based on Precept:
The Councillors reviewed the items proposed within the precept and having achieved 2 grants agreed to reallocate budget to the street lighting project. This is agreed by virement £6,000 & Clerk requested to revise accounts accordingly
Proposed Cllr Beaton. Seconded Cllr Taylor (Chair) Agreed by all Cllrs
Action AD
10.1 Village Litter Picking – Request for Quotation to be prepared and tenders to be invited. Cllr Beaton agreed to lead this activity with support from the clerk
Action MB & AD
10.2 Grass Cutting – Request for Quotation to be prepared and tenders to be invited. Cllr Vaughan agreed to lead this activity with support from the clerk
Action LV & AD
Replacement Bench on junction of Red Lodge Lane – on hold until next meeting
11. Planning – Update For information
NE/22/00845/TCA 1 x Tree Removal at the Old Rectory and 2 Tree Removals at The Shambles. The Old Rectory Church Lane Bulwick Corby NN17 3ET - Parish Council Supports
NE/22/00566/LBC Replacement of existing timber windows with new timber slimline double glazed conservation units. 17 Main Street Bulwick Corby NN17 3DY - Parish Council Supports
NE/22/00433/FUL Extension of chimney height to comply with building regulations following re-thatching of roof, Christmas Cottage, 2 Blatherwycke Road Bulwick Corby NN17 3EU - Parish Council Supports
NE/22/00345/FUL Application approved
NE/22/00480/FUL Application approved
NE/22/00481/LBC Application approved
NE/22/00566/LBC Application approved
NE/22/00326/FUL Application approved
NE/22/01542/FUL Application approved
12.1 Finance 2022 / 23:
Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Cheque no. 100024 for £19.24. Clerk’s expenses. Paid to A Disney
Cheque no. 100025 for £659.48. Clerk’s pay minus tax April-June. Paid to A Disney
Cheque no. 100032 for £101.20. Clerk’s reimbursement for income tax. Paid to A Disney
Direct debit. £7.00. Bank charges. Paid to HSBC.
Cheque no. 100026 for £36.95. Newsletter printing costs. Paid to L Vaughan
Cheque no.100027 for £60.89. Street light maintenance. Paid to EON
Cheque no. 100028 £149.41. NCALC Membership fees. Paid to NCALC
Cheque no. 100029 for £16.43. Street lighting electricity. Paid to SSE
Direct debit. £5.40. Bank charges 31 May - 29 June. Paid to HSBC.
Cheque no. 100030 for £36.00. VAT Unregistered councils training - clerk. Paid to NCALC
Cheque no. 100031 for £3,444.00. Speed sign on receipt of invoice. Paid to SWARCO
Total: £4,536.00 (Bank Charges £7.00 already taken from Bulwick Parish Council Account)
12.2 Receipts:
£15,000.00. Precept payment. North Northants Council.
£2,813.00 Speed sign grant. Northants Police.
£1,975.00 Defibrillator Grant. North Northants Council.12.3 Summary of Balances
National Savings £0
Current Account 30th June 2022 £22,784.36
Total Reserves £18,255.36
Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair.
13. Correspondence:
13.1 Community Hub Scheme request for feedback – Nothing to report from PC - Closed
13.2 Snowball - New Community Disability App - Nothing to report from PC - Closed
13.3 Dementia survey requested by NCALC – Responded to by Cllr Fisher - Closed
13.4 Sovereign Parish Recreation Areas Quote offer – Clerk declined offer on behalf of PC - Closed
13.5 East Northants Resource Management Facility feedback request – Nothing to report from PC – Closed
13.6 NCALC survey request to councillors – Councillors to respond by 15th July – Action All Cllrs
14. Any later business for the next meeting
Risk assessment to be updated for FY2022/23 and brought to next meeting
Other procedures to be checked and any updates brought to next meeting
15. Date of Next Meeting: 17th October 2022 at 7pm
Meeting closed at 8.05 pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………