MINUTES OF MEETING 03/03/2022, 6pm at Bulwick Village Centre


Councillors: Cllrs J Taylor (Chair), J Sanderson, L Vaughan

ln Attendance: No members of the public.

Councillors: Cllrs J Taylor (Chair), J Sanderson, L Vaughan, Beaton, Fisher, Clerk Disney

(1) APOLOGIES RECEIVED AND APPROVED: Cllrs Beaton, Fisher and Clerk Disney

(2) Declarations of lnterest and Changes to the Register of lnterests: There were no Declarations of lnterest or changes to the Members Register of lnterests.

(3) Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 31st January 2022: It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.

Proposed Cllr Sanderson Seconded Cllr Vaughan

(4) Planning Review

The following Planning application was reviewed

NEl22rOfi)8A/REM - Reserved matters: access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

relating to the erection of 197no dwellings Parcels 19 & 20, Zone 3, Key Phase 4; pursuant

to application 1.9fi12'l9lOUT: Application for outline planning permission with all matters

reserved except for means of access in relation to the highway access from the A43 and

means of access and landscaping in respect of the causeway crossing from Zone 1, for the

development of a mixed use urban extension to include; residential development of up to

3,500 dwellings (C3), up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 and D2 uses within two localcentres, up

to 1 ,000m2 of D1lD2 (community building i changing rooms uses), two primary schools

(D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open

space), green infrastructure including formaland informalopen space, wildlife corridors,

landscaping, allotments / orchards and play areas, primary street and pedestrian and cycle

network including diversions to existing PROWs, connections to the surrounding highway ,

sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and any

necessary groundworks and demolition, and extension to LocalWildlife Sites

Location: Priors HallSite Kirby Lane Deene NN17 3EJ

Parish Clerk is requested to respond to the planning application as follows:

The application does not include any significant study regarding the likely impact to the

current infrastructure with the increase in traffic volume as a direct consequence of the


The Bulwick Parish Council agreed to neither support or reject this application, at this time.

The decision is made on the basis that a better understanding is required of the impact on

the local infrastructure caused by the development, specifically regarding the increase in

volume of traffic on the A43 that will potentially impact Bulwick village.

The Bulwick Parish Councillors request further information from the planners regarding this


Agreed by all meeting attendees

(5) Finance:

Accounts for payment: lt was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:

100012 £6.63 SSE Electric Supply

Receipts: None

Summary of Balances

National Savings: £0

Current Account: £4.606.48

Total Reserves: £4,606.48

Bank Statement & Accounts:

The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair.

lnternal Auditor FY21l22 Proposal: lt was proposed to appoint Justina Medwell- Clerk as

Bulwick Parish Council lntemal Auditor for FY21122. Fee f75.00

Proposed Cllr Sanderson Seconded Cllr Vaughan


1. Admin/ Volunteer Action is a small charity. They run a community car scheme

where volunteer drivers use their own cars to take older or disable people to

medical appointments, shopping etc There is a 40p per mile charge for this. The

team would like an opportunity to promote the service at a coming Parish Council


Councillors request the Clerk to contact to Admin / Volunteer Acton and

invite them to speak at the Q2 (June/July) Parish Council meeting.

2. Northamptonshire ACRE. Request for information on community shops in Bulwick.

Further information can be found at www.sustainablefood places.org

Councillors request the Clerk to respond politely declining further contact as Bulwick does not have a community shop or foodbank. Councillors consider the village is too small to take part in such a project.

3. David Wilson Homes speculative email on potential development sites & contact with the Parish Council

Councillors request the Clerk to respond thanking David Wilson Homes for the offer but politely decline to accept it.

Date of Next Meeting: 30th March 2022

Meeting closed at 6.45 pm

Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………