Councillors: Cllrs J Taylor (Chair), M Beaton, L Vaughan and H Fisher Clerk: Mrs A Disney
In Attendance: 1 member of the public.
1. Apologies received and approved: Cllr J Sanderson
2. Declarations of Interest and Changes to the Register of Interests: There were no Declarations of Interest or changes to the Members Register of Interests.
3. Approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 31st January 2022: It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Fisher Seconded Cllr Vaughan
4. Review & Approve Bulwick Parish Council Constitution & Polices
The following documents were presented for approval:
4.1 Constitution
4.2 Equal Opportunities Statement
4.3 Safeguarding Children and Young People and Vulnerable Adults
4.4 Data Protection
4.5 Complaints Procedure
4.6 Risk Assessment 2022
4.7 Member Code of Conduct
4.8 Financial Regulations"
Proposed Cllr Fisher Seconded Cllr Vaughan All attending unanimously approved
Constitution and Polices to be made available on Bulwick Parish Council Website AD/LV
5 Planning:
NE/21/00261/FUL Amalgamate planning application NE/21/00102/FUL: Residential dwelling & detached triple garage Henwick Barn Laxton Road Bulwick NN17 3DU – Clerk to send Parish Council support Planning
NE/22/00106/TPO/ Willingtonia (T1) reducing lateral branches as recommended within the attached tree surgery The Old Rectory Church lane Bulwick NN17 3ET – Clerk to send Parish Council support Planning
NE/22/00052/FULL (received for full planning permission) Replacement of single-story rear extension and 2 no. porches and associated internal repairs and alterations to existing cottage. Replacement outbuilding and enlargement / alterations to parking / turning area and associated landscaping works 12 Main Street Bulwick NN17 3DY – Clerk to send Parish Council support Planning based on revised planning & removal of Garage
NE/22/00053/LBC (received for listed building consent) Replacement of single-story rear extension and 2 no. porches and associated internal repairs and alterations to existing cottage. Replacement outbuilding and enlargement / alterations to parking / turning area and associated landscaping works 12 Main Street Bulwick NN17 3DY – Clerk to send Parish Council support Planning based on revised planning & removal of Garage." "AD
Accounts for payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:"
Cheque No. Amount Payee Reason for Payment
100001 £60.89 "Eon" "Lighting payment"
100009 £30.00 "NCALC" "Training for Clerk"
100011 £376.62 "T Disney" "Purchase Fireproof/ lock cabinet"
100002 £13.78 "SSE" "Lighting payment"
100003 £13.58 "M Beaton" "Reimburse SSE payment"
100004 £40.00 "Information Commissioner" "Data protection feed"
100005 £45.14 "A Disney" "Clerk Office Expenses"
100008 £75.50 "J Medwell" "Locum Clerk October 21"
100007 £1.00 "BT" "Purchase of Phone box"
6.3 Summary of Balances
"National Savings" "£0"
"Current Account" "£4,625.11"
"Total Reserves" "£4,625.11"
"Bank Statement & Accounts:
The Bank Reconciliation was unanimously approved and duly signed by the Chair."
"7 Training:
7.4 To approve 2022/23 Training Plan Proposal:
Schedule of training presented for approval
Proposed Cllr Fisher Seconded Cllr Vaughan All attendees approved
ted training in line with agreed plan"
8 "Asset Mapping:
The Parish Council is requested to map all assets of community value currently owned and provided by the unitary council. An asset mapping project and team consisting of Cllr Taylor (Chair) and Cllr Vaughan & Clerk A Disney was established
Completion timing and submission to Northants CALC 31st March 2022 Asset map to be presented for approval at 30th March meeting" "JT/LV/ AD"
12 "Correspondence:
Email received from Bulwick Estate inviting PC members to a future management proposal consultation at the end of Feb 2022. Cllrs expressed an interest to be involved. The Clerk to respond confirming date & timing" "AD"
13 "Date of Next Meeting:
30th March 2022"
"Meeting closed at 7.15 pm"
"Chairman ……………………………………….. Date ……………………………"